Who Stole My Gully?

Hard rain and stormwater runoff can produce dramatic landscape changes overnight. Check out our videos that show a Sligo Creek gully before and after rain.
Orange water from a potential pollution emergency flows into Sligo Creek and the retention ponds behind Kemp Mill shopping center.

Christmas Brings Beauty, Fright: Metal-Laden Torrent Pouring Into Sligo Creek

Christmas brings joy on Sligo Creek but then a pollution emergency when a torrent of chlorinated, metal-laden water rushes into the creek.
Okeeffe Working Hand

Relief for Dry, Cracked Winter Skin

O'Keeffe's Working Hands skin cream really does provide relief for dry, cracked hands. My fingers used to split open and bleed every winter. Not now!
A belted kingfisher darts across Sligo Creek, his wings spread wide.

Belted Kingfisher Goes Hungry on Christmas Day

Four belted kingfisher poems about a bird who could not eat because Sligo Creek was filled with pollution from a water main break.

Stacy Menendez:

For Stacy Menendez, experiencing "things bigger than me" is part of the allure of Sligo Creek. Many people find a certain spirituality among the trees.

Lake Artemesia Mural Brings Even More Nature to Life

This Lake Artemesia mural is a gift that keeps on giving. It beautifully captures life on the lake -- putting a smile on my face every time I see it.

Orion Shines Brightly, Connects Me to the Divine

The Orion constellation has been a huge part of my life from childhood through middle age. It is my portal to the divine and a source of inspiration.

Where’s Winnie-the-Pooh?

I love looking for Winnie-the-Pooh at my favorite tree on the Anacostia River Tributary Trail System -- the Northwest Branch in this case.