I’m just a guy who likes picking up a pencil and scribbling down some lines – especially in haiku form. Here are four belted kingfisher poems I wrote about a bird I saw on Christmas day. He was confused by the orange color of Sligo Creek that was caused by a pollution emergency.
Belted Kingfisher No. 1
Kingfisher, hungry
Pollution in Sligo Creek
Orange water; he starves
Belted Kingfisher No. 2
Blue streak whooshes by
Awesome in mid-flight
Belted kingfisher
Belted Kingfisher No. 3
Dive or not to dive?
Orange pollution in the creek
Kingfisher unsure
Belted Kingfisher No. 4
Kingfisher, wings spread
Flying, soaking in the sun
The creek is his home
Learn more about belted kingfishers.
Do you write poetry of any form that you would like to share with us for our Poet’s Lounge? We’re looking for all kinds of poems about Sligo Creek, the Anacostia River, anything related to the Anacostia River Tributary Trail System, and nature in general. Email us your poems at info@eyeonsligocreek.com today! Be sure to tell us how you want your name to appear and include a biographical sentence or two about yourself. We read everything we receive and are happy to publish anything that fits our mission. Even if you’ve never tried to publish any of your work before, we encourage you to get outside, experience any stretch of Sligo Creek and other Anacostia River tributaries that you like, and see if inspiration strikes. We’re sure it will.