Explore By Season

Our posts grouped together by season — starting with winter of 2020 and moving to spring, summer and fall.

Mama Canada Goose Incubates Eggs – Then Disappears in the Middle of the Night

We watched this Mama Goose add layers of warmth and protection to her nest, push the eggs around with her beak, and yank loose some greenbrier. See video!

Happy New Year? No. Happy Heron Year!

Incredible luck greeted us for a second consecutive New Year's Day. Forget Happy New Year. Let's make it Happy Heron Year!
Green Heron

Savoring Sligo Creek On A Rainy Day

A rainy Wednesday creates unexpected opportunities to sense Sligo Creek in a whole new way: we savor a magical afternoon featuring a wildlife extravaganza!

Orion Shines Brightly, Connects Me to the Divine

The Orion constellation has been a huge part of my life from childhood through middle age. It is my portal to the divine and a source of inspiration.

A Herondipitous Start to the New Year

Won-ok and I saunter toward the Sligo Creek woods on the first...

A Little Laziness in the Animal Kingdom?

Some animals may just be lazy. Take the case of the black vultures, which lack a sense of smell. They find food by waiting for turkey vultures to locate it.