Our mission at Eye On Sligo Creek is a simple one: we want to share the awe of Sligo Creek and the Anacostia River Tributary Trail System.
Using multiple forms of media and storytelling, we seek to convey the magic and transformative power that the natural world holds for us in our own back yards – the very places that are both so easily accessible and yet so often underappreciated. We explore nature, chronicle news, meet fascinating people from diverse backgrounds, discover exciting places on and along the tributaries. We dig deep to offer insight and inspiration. Along the way, we examine the countless natural, economic, health, personal and spiritual benefits the tributaries and trails provide. We also look at the problems the landscape faces and what we can do to remedy them.

We hope our enthusiasm is so infectious that everyone we reach takes action. Go outside. Let wonder rule the day. Be a kid again. Introduce a kid to nature. Walk, bike, watch birds. Write, paint, take pictures. Learn new things. Pick up an old sport at a park. Volunteer. Picnic with friends. Embrace moments of solitude. Reflect and recharge. See, smell, touch, listen to and love more of what makes this area such an extraordinary treasure to call home and to visit.
This site, born in January of 2020, is in its infancy. Eye On Sligo Creek will change with the seasons and expand over time. We have big dreams for the future — aspiring for our humble little online passion project to grow into a local treasure that is equal parts nature journal, literary magazine, community newspaper and public radio.
From Sligo Creek in Montgomery County to Lake Artemesia and Bladensburg Waterfront Park in Prince George’s County, we invite you to share the awe of Sligo Creek and the Anacostia tributaries.
“In wildness is the preservation of the world.”
Henry David Thoreau